Thank you all for your support and enthusiastic participation in the 2024 Youth Talent Innovation Competition (YTIC). During the registration phase, YTIC received a total of 39 entries from 7 economies. Among the entries, 25 teams successfully advanced to the concept phase. The entries covered a wide range of fields including architecture, civil engineering, physics, mechanical engineering, chemistry, and more. Evaluation by judging panels from different economies revealed that many teams demonstrated outstanding performance and presented solutions that combine creativity with practicality. In the final analysis, with very marginal differences in scores, the judging panels decided on the finalists. In this regard, we extend our congratulations to the following 3 teams for making it to the finals. We also thank all the other teams for their participation.
Submit Concept Proposal and 5-minute pre-recorded video before 2023/12/29 23:59(GMT+8)
Competition registration until 2023/10/15 23:59(GMT+8)
Be a game-changer, recreate and innovate!
Showcase what you have and present your out of the box solutions addressing pressing issues in your community and country.
It's your time to shine and be part of the Youth Talent Innovation Competition in the beautiful city of Taipei, Taiwan.
Competition goals and benefits
To inspire young engineers thinking of sustainable development through the United Nations sustainable development indicators.
To foster visions of next generation engineers through thinking beyond regional limit, and to provide an international platform to show their creativity.
Competition theme
Meet any 9 out of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (4. Quality education, 6. Clean water and sanitation, 7. Affordable clean energy, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 12. Responsible consumption and production, 13. Climate action, 15. Life on land).
Proposals must present creative solution (s) to current real world problems.