We are delighted to welcome you all to the FEIAP 32nd GA Meeting, 7th Convention and 1st Youth Talent Innovation Competition in Taipei. This is a great opportunity for us to come together and share our knowledge and experiences on Engineering Resilience and Education for a Net-Zero Future.
We know that many of you have traveled a long way to be here, and we want to thank you for your time and effort. We are confident that this convention will be a success, and we look forward to a productive and enjoyable few days.
Welcome to Taipei!
2024-5-21 Upload May 1 Albums
2024-5-15 Upload Keynote Speaker's PPT and Some Event Albums
2024-4-17 FEIAP Engineer of the Year 2024: Ir. Dr. Tan Yean Chin - IEM, Adjunct Prof. SU Quanke - CAST and Prof. Dr. Raghupatruni Bhima Rao - IEI
2024-3-15 Program for Delegation's Family
2024-2-27 YTIC Finalists List Heats Up!!
2024-1-30 Open Registration to all Economy start on February 19, 2024
2023-12-25 Early Bird for Young Engineer start on January 15,2024
2023-10-31 YTIC Successful Registration List
2023-09-05 Call for Papers
2023-09-01 Youth Talent Innovation Competition
Registration Fee
US$600 for all participants
US$300 for Young Engineers (under the age of 40)
US$100 for full time students
The special rate of US$400 for the following types of VIPs including:
Delegation Leader
Authors of accepted Abstract
FEIAP Albums
Keynote Speakers
The Illume Hotel
Dun-Hua North Road, No. 100, Taipei City
Contact us
Shan Lee, Chinese Institute of Engineers(CIE)
Email: shane@cie.org.tw
Timur Bitokov, Section Chief of Chinese Taipei APEC Engineer/IPEA Monitoring Committee, CIE
Email: bitokov@ceci.com.tw