Background of the FEIAP NET ZERO TREE
The Paris Agreement, adopted at the UN Climate Change Conference on December 12th 2015, reaffirms the goal of holding “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursuing efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.” Achieving these goals requires concrete policies, measures, and actions from all sectors. Among these, the engineering sectors play a very important role in the global carbon mitigation work.
As the host of FEIAP 2024, CIE proposed the main theme of the convention as Engineering Resilience and Education for a Net-Zero Future and announced it in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar in September 2023 at the FEIAP 31st General Assembly. To underscore the determination of the FEIAP member economies to work together towards reducing global carbon emissions through engineering, CIE organizes a Planting Ceremony of the first two FEIAP NET ZERO TREEs together with the Signing Ceremony of FEIAP NET ZERO DECLARATION through the help of FEIAP secretariat and FEIAP Standing Committee on Environmental Sustainability, as part of FEIAP 2024’s important activities, during which two trees (the “FEIAP NET ZERO TREEs”) are planted on the grounds of the host enterprise CTCI in Taipei.
Two FEIAP NET ZERO TREEs shall be planted in Taipei on this May 1st 2024 jointly by:
Prof. Dr. Aung Kyaw Myat, FEIAP Chairman
Er. Tan Seng-Chuan, WFEO President-Elect
Dr. Yang Cheng-Hong, CIE Chairman
Dr. John T. Yu, CTCI Group Chairman
With witnesses from representatives of FEIAP member economies who participating this planting ceremony.
FEIAP wishes to express its sincere thanks to CTCI for providing the grounds of its 2nd HQ in Taipei as the location for the first two FEIAP NET ZERO TREEs’ planting and supplying them with the necessary care in the future. Similar efforts are expected for future hosts of major FEIAP activities, so as to highlight the importance of the organization’s carbon emission reduction ambitions.